January 30


Art & Framing Trends - What to Expect in 2024

As we step into 2024, the world of art and framing continues to evolve. In this dynamic landscape, staying ahead of trends is crucial for artists and art enthusiasts alike – have you thought about what you’re doing to stay ahead of the trends?

At PrinTribe, we’re always at the forefront, embracing changes and incorporating them into our range of products and services. This year, we're seeing exciting trends that promise to redefine how we all appreciate and interact with art.

From sustainable materials to the integration of cutting-edge technology, the art world is set to witness a blend of aesthetics, functionality, and environmental consciousness.

Let's dive into these trends and explore how you can incorporate them into your art journey with PrinTribe, ensuring your work stays relevant and captivating in 2024.

Eco-friendly and Sustainable

1. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

Environmental consciousness is reshaping the art and framing industry, with a growing demand for sustainable options. These sustainable choices cater to an increasingly eco-aware audience who are looking for art that aligns with their values.

The movement towards sustainable materials isn't just about reducing environmental impact – it's about creating art with a conscience. We’re seeing a surge in frames made from recycled materials, offering a rustic and authentic charm.

Artists are also embracing sustainable practices in their creative process, choosing materials that are kinder to the planet. PrinTribe supports these efforts by providing a platform for artists to showcase their environmentally conscious works. Prints on sustainable papers are becoming a popular choice, offering high-quality reproduction while maintaining ecological integrity.

But, this shift towards sustainability is more than a trend – it’s a whole movement! As artists and consumers become more aware of their environmental footprint, the demand for sustainable art and framing options will continue to grow.

If you’re looking to be more environmentally conscious as an artist, check out these 5 Top Tips to get you started.

Digital Art

2. Digital Art

Bringing digital technology into traditional art and framing is transforming the industry. Digital art isn’t just about creating on a digital platform – it's about how it's displayed and experienced. You’ll see a lot more artists lean towards digital frames that showcase rotating digital art pieces, bringing a new level of dynamism to art displays.

These digital frames create a more interactive art experience. Imagine a frame that changes artwork based on the time of day or mood settings! This technology caters to a generation that values flexibility and interaction in their art consumption. Digital frames can display a range of artworks, from traditional paintings to cutting-edge digital creations, offering a versatile and ever-changing art experience.

Bringing digital art into the world of traditional art certainly opens up new possibilities for artists. Think about being able to show your work in a more dynamic format, where you can reach a much wider audience. You can update your digital displays remotely, making it easier to share your latest creations with the world.

Of course, this should be seen as more of an addition to your regular art and frame displays rather than a replacement. Art lovers everywhere still want art displayed on their walls, and these habits aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Customise your Frame

3. Customisation

The desire for customisation and personalisation in art and framing is more pronounced than ever in 2024. Consumers are looking for art that reflects their personal style and complements their interior decor. PrinTribe’s custom framing services cater to this trend, offering a range of materials, sizes, and styles to create a truly unique art piece.
Here are just some of the ways you can customise with our platform:

Frame Selection


Premium Frames

12 sizes
3 glazing options
5 mounting options
11 moulding options
4 paper options

Classic Frames

19 sizes
2 border options
3 moulding options

Premium Canvas

50 sizes
7 moulding options

Classic Canvas

32 sizes
4 moulding options

Rolled Prints

25 sizes
5 paper options

But don’t forget that customisation goes beyond just choosing a frame. It's about creating a piece that’s uniquely tailored to your customers. Whether it’s selecting a frame that complements your artwork’s colour scheme, or offering various frame designs to suit contemporary and traditional tastes, customisation allows for a high level of personalisation.

At PrinTribe, we understand this desire for individuality, which is why we offer customisable products at every step of the way. We want every art piece you sell to not just be a decoration in someone’s home, but to be a way of personal expression!

The benefits of being able to customise your art are twofold:

  • For artists like you, it gives an avenue to connect more intimately with your audience, offering artworks that resonate on a personal level.
  • For the art enthusiasts that are buying your pieces, it's an opportunity to get their hands on artwork that’s uniquely theirs, enhancing their connection to the art.
Mixed Media and More

4. Mixed Media and Textures

Mixed media and texture are gaining momentum in 2024 – a 200% increase to be exact – offering a tactile dimension to both artwork and framing. We’re excited to support artists who are constantly pushing boundaries with their creativity. Mixed media artworks, combining elements like painting, photography, and sculpture, provide a rich sensory experience that captivates viewers.

In framing, texture plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall impact of the artwork. Textured frames, with unique finishes or materials like our Bamboo Frames and Claude Frames, can complement the art, adding depth and character. This lets artists and customers to choose the perfect match for any mixed media artworks.

This trend towards mixed media and texture reflects a broader move towards more experiential and engaging art. Art is no longer just about visual appeal – it's about creating a multi-sensory experience that draws viewers in and encourages them to engage with the artwork on a deeper level.

Artistic Collabs and Community Engagement

5. Artistic Collabs and Community Engagement

Collaborative art projects and community engagement are becoming more prevalent in 2024, reflecting a growing desire for art that connects with local stories and cultures.

We’re proud to support this trend by fostering collaborations that bring together artists, framers, and communities. These projects often result in artworks that tell a story or reflect the unique culture of a place, making them deeply resonant and meaningful.

Check out these ideas you can use to be more collaborative this year:

  • Joint Art Projects – Work with a fellow artist on a combined piece, blending your styles and techniques.
  • Art Exchanges – Swap pieces with other artists to create new works or reinterpretations.
  • Collaborative Exhibitions – Be part of joint art shows or gallery events.
  • Workshops and Teaching – Try co-hosting art workshops or classes.
  • Social Media Collabs – Partner for joint social media campaigns or challenges.
  • Community Art Initiatives - Engage in community-based art projects for local impact.

This trend isn’t just about creating art – it's about building connections. Collaborative projects bring people together, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. They allow artists and framers to engage with their local communities in meaningful ways, creating art that is not only beautiful but also socially impactful.

Minimalist and Contemporary Designs

6. Minimalist & Contemporary Designs

The appeal of minimalist and contemporary designs continues to be strong in 2024, offering clean lines, neutral colors, and simple yet elegant styles. These designs are especially popular in modern interior aesthetics, providing a timeless and versatile backdrop for a variety of artworks.

Some of our top picks for contemporary frames are in our Classic Frames range, which include slim and crisp designs that suit any artwork and style.
Minimalist frames aren’t just about simplicity – they’re about precision and refinement. A well-chosen minimalist frame can enhance an artwork without overpowering it, allowing the art to speak for itself.

Contemporary design in framing is also about versatility. These frames work well with a wide range of art styles, from abstract to photorealism, making them a go-to choice for many artists and collectors. Their timeless appeal makes sure that they remain relevant and stylish for years to come.

Augmented Reality Art Experiences

7. Augmented Reality (AR) Art Experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) is set to revolutionise the art scene this year, offering immersive and interactive experiences that blur the lines between reality and digital artistry.

AR differs from Virtual Reality (VR) because it shows reality and a virtual version side-by-side, compared to VR that immerses you completely in a virtual space.

Imagine viewing a painting that comes to life or exploring hidden layers of a piece through your smartphone. AR opens a new realm of possibilities for both artists and art enthusiasts.

For the naysayers who think it’s more of a gimmick than anything else, it’s actually an exciting new medium that expands any artist’s canvas beyond physical limitations. AR can add depth, motion, and even interactive elements to artworks, making each piece a journey rather than just a static display. 

For framers and galleries, AR offers a way to create more dynamic and engaging exhibits, attracting a wider audience and offering them a unique art experience.

Stay Ahead of 2024 Art Trends with PrinTribe

Stay Ahead of 2024 Art Trends with PrinTribe

As we navigate through 2024, the art and framing industry is embracing an array of exciting trends, each offering new opportunities for expression, engagement, and innovation.

At PrinTribe, we’re committed to staying ahead of these trends, providing artists and art lovers with products and services that resonate with this evolving landscape. Whether it’s through sustainable materials, digital integration, or AR experiences, we’re committed to supporting the artistic community in exploring new frontiers.

Remember, staying abreast of trends is key to keeping your art relevant and captivating. By embracing these developments, you can ensure that your work not only resonates with contemporary audiences but also sets you apart. Explore these trends, experiment with new mediums and styles, and let PrinTribe be your partner in this exciting journey!



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